Event Info

What is Cyberforce?

Cyberforce started out as a small event run by Argonne National Laboratory back in ~2016, and has now grown into a full Department of Energy effort with 2022's event bringing in ~150 colleges across the country.

The program features two "circuits":

  • Cyberforce Competition is the main Red v Blue event that has ~2-3 weeks of preparation, and a full day of hands-on competition.
  • Conquer the Hill is a beginner-friendly competition featuring CTF-style challenges. Visit the website for more info, and look at the CTF section of this GitBook to build skills for this.

These notes will focus on the main event. It's very similar to CCDC in that "you secure network, red team hacks it", but it's a little more intricate than that.

CCDC versus Cyberforce


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