Cryptography Resources

This section is mainly for the people looking to dive into cryptography and the underlying math, not really for basic concepts like "What is GPG?" or "How do I use OpenSSL?". These questions are valid, but you might just want to hit up Google for that.


Challenge Platforms and Others

  • CryptoHack is a gamified platform exclusively for cryptography and cryptanalysis. Very, very smart people over in their Discord - 100% recommend this.
  • CryptoPals is a collection of cryptography exercises which are very programming-oriented (e.g. making you write your own frequency analysis, writing a padding oracle attack)
  • MysteryTwisterC3 focuses more on crypto design and didactical aspects (like a tutorial in differential cryptanalysis) and it includes many challenges with historic or "obscure" procedures and machines (like HandyCipher or Sigaba).
  • Dan Boneh's Cryptography Course is another resource to learn the subject

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