Forensics Resources

You get good at forensics by having good fundamentals, so a lot of specific resources are just learning specific tools.


  • 13Cubed the ๐Ÿ of Volatility and general forensics. I'll be honest, I feel like I learn something new from every single video.
  • John Hammond's Malware Analysis Series is arguably the most well-structured malware analysis content on YouTube right now. Brings you from initial motivation to uncovering the main payload with the rabbit holes and everything, while also somehow being streamlines. Good stuff.
  • Jiล™รญ Vinopal's YouTube channel is basically a masterclass in .NET reversing.

Cheatsheets/Written Resources

Challenge Labs

  • Blue Team Labs Online is like HackTheBox but for defenders. There's definitely some scuff here and there, but nonetheless still has challenges for all levels.
    • They also offer some kind of certification. While it doesn't have industry recognition, I've heard good things.

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