Main Research

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Algebriac Combinatorics

I work in the field of algebraic combinatorics with a focus on combinatorial models of representations of Lie algebras. This pertains mainly to the use of combinatorial structures to encode complex algebraic objects and then make computations and conclusions using combinatorial techniques. The idea is that the combinatorial models are simpler to manipulate than the original algebraic object, but maintain all of the structure.

Main Combinatorial Object (Kashiwara Crystals)

Crystal bases were independently discovered by Kashiawara and Lusztig in the early 1990s as a means of deciphering nice combinatorial properties of representations of quantum groups (noncommutative analogs of Lie groups) and are the result of taking the limit of the quantum groups parameter q to zero. Not only do these crystals have very nice combinatorial structure, as they can be modeled by colored directed graphs, but they also encapsulate all of the structure of the corresponding representation. The edges of these graphs are colored by crystal operators which are related to the corresponding Chevalley generators.

Here are some slides from an undergraduate oriented talk which describe the Tableaux model for a certain type of these crystals in a purely combinatorial manner.

And example of a crystal graph of type A (made in Sage )


B. Salisbury, A. Schultze, and P. Tingley. Combinatorial descriptions of the crystal structure on certain PBW bases. Transform. Groups, 23: 501-525, 2018. Link

B. Salisbury, A. Schultze, and P. Tingley. PBW bases and marginally large tableaux in type D. J. Comb., 9:535-551, 2018. Link

Upcoming (but on arXiv)

C. Lecouvey, C. Lenart, A. Schultze. Towards a Combinatorial Model for q-weight Multiplicities of Simple Lie Algebras. ArXiv 2110.15394. Extended Abstract Link

C. Briggs, C. Lenart, A. Schultze. On Combinatorial Models for Affine Crystals. ArXiv:2109.12199. Extended Abstract Link