Undergraduate Research Projects

Predictive Modeling of Lower-Level English Club Soccer Using Crowd-Sourced Player Valuations (Summer 2024) Preprint

Co-advised with Amanda Harsy

Undergraduate students:
Josh Brown (Ursinus College)
Yutong Bu (Emory University)
Zachary Cheesman (Bowdoin College)
Benjamin Orman (Grinnell College)

This was one of three projects that Amanda and I lead as faculty advisors during the 8 week Summer@ICERM 2024 program at Brown University.

Money Bull: Analyzing the Application of Ranking Methods to Rodeo (Summer 2024) Preprint

Co-advised with Amanda Harsy

Undergraduate students:
Mia Adler (Pomona College)
Ford McDill (Wesleyan University)
Tiffanie Ng (Kenyon College)
Will Paz (Miami University)

This was one of three projects that Amanda and I lead as faculty advisors during the 8 week Summer@ICERM 2024 program at Brown University.

Local and Global Approaches for Predicting Week-to-Week NFL Outcomes (Summer 2024)

Co-advised with Amanda Harsy

Undergraduate students:
Journey Keen (The University of Tennessee)
Anh-Thai Le (Yale University)

This was one of three projects that Amanda and I lead as faculty advisors during the 8 week Summer@ICERM 2024 program at Brown University.

On the Preimages of Shuffle Sorting Algorithms (Spring 2023)

Undergraduate student:
J. Charlton (St. Olaf College)
H. Quang Vu (St. Olaf College)
J. Vest (St. Olaf College)

This was funded by the CURI program for research during the spring 2023 semester. The students wrote code and made conjectures. These conjectures will be proven and built upon in future undergraduate work.

A Special Case for a Charge Statistic in all Classical Types. (Summer 2022)

Undergraduate students:
Abby Engbrecht (St. Olaf College)
Matin Liu (St. Olaf College)
Avi Rajan (St. Olaf College)

This project was funded by the CURI program and funded the three students for 10 weeks of full time research. Their special case will be proven and generalized in future undergraduate work.

Crystal Operator Invariance Under the Extend Algorithm (Spring 2021)

Undergraduate student:
Steve Gama (St. Olaf College)

This was done during an independent study. Steve completed a proposition which will be included in an upcoming paper.