The information available from this web page includes:
1) basic statistical results for the survey,
2) a complete listing of handwritten comments contained within the surveys, and
3) a copy of the original survey as a reminder or a reference.
Survey Results (simplified summary, mode response in bold): click here
Survey Results (with illustrative bar charts):
click here
VLTI houses 118 units (59 in each building). The number of respondents to the survey totals 71.
A survey response rate of 50% or higher should be considered excellent in most circumstances.
A high response rate is likely driven by high levels of motivation to complete the survey,
or a strong personal relationship between business and customer.
Survey response rates in the 30% to 50% range are far more typical.
So thank you to everyone who took the time to respond to the survey,
express your opinions, and provide some direction
to future decisions by the Board of Directors.
Survey Comments:
click here
I was personally surprised by the volume of comments written on the surveys
-- it exceeds twenty pages!
I found them very enlightening and definitely worth reading.
Please note that comments that were written in areas
not designated specifically for comments on a particular topic,
have been relocated to the final set of "any additional" comments at the very end.
I have tried to indicate their original position where possible.
Two residents took the time to submit formal comments in word processor format.
These are appended to the summary.
Copy of the 2021 Survey:
click here
All materials submitted (envelopes, surveys, additional paper, emails ) are available for review. They have been returned to the President of the Board, Dixie Elwell. Surveys are numbered to match the sequence they appear in the data file -- any omissions or typos can be corrected. Similarly, comments are prepended with the survey number where they can be found.
Five or six surveys were submitted in unsigned envelopes. The purpose for signing envelopes was to ensure only owners/renters submitted entries and that no single person submitted multiple entries. This technique has worked well at Lewis University to enable secret ballots for committee elections. Once removed from the envelope and put with other ballots/surveys the process is anonymous and confidential.
Lastly, every questionnaire or survey will have some confusing markings within the responses: filling in two circles, connecting two choices with arrows, putting an "X" between circles, creating another category to check, leaving an answer blank. If I encountered any of these I did my best to pick the most appropriate response intended (I have marked surveys to indicate my choice). If I was unable to do so, the entry was left blank (a missing value not included in the tabulation).This survey was drafted by the Communications/Owner Involvement Commission of the 2020 Board of Directors having the support and leadership of the President Lynne Goldman. Many residents volunteered time, interest, expertise, and opinion in the drafting and the refining of the final draft. Physical meetings prior to COVID, Zoom meetings during COVID, and emails were regularly scheduled until the draft was submitted to the Board of Directors. My thanks to everyone who participated.
And once again, my thanks to all the residents who responded to the survey.
I have posted my personal thoughts and comments regarding the survey at the following link:
Reaction: click here