Dr. Piotr Szczurek, Assistant Professor and Director of M.S. in Data Science
Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2012
(intelligent transportation systems, artificial intelligence, data science, vehicular ad-hoc networks, machine learning)
Dr. Ray Klump, Professor and Chair of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Department
Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2000
(electric power system analysis, computational techniques, data visualization, cyber security of critical infrastructures)
Dr. Cindy Howard, Associate Professor
Ph. D., Computer Science, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2010
(mobile applications, natural language processing, intelligent tutoring systems)
Dr. Sarah Powers, Assistant Professor
Ph. D., Immunology, University of Chicago, 2011
(transcriptome analysis of human cancers bearing cyclin D3 mutations as well as structural changes within the protein caused by these mutations)
Ph.D., Mathematics, IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN, 2014
(mathematics education, The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, geometric group theory, machine learning)
Dr. Daniel Ayala, Assistant Professor
Ph. D., Computer Science, University of Illinois at Chicago, exp. 2015
(mobile data management, intelligent transportation systems, machine learning)
Dr. Jason Perry, Assistant Professor
Ph.D. Computer Science, Rutgers University, 2015
(data-driven security analysis, secure computation protocols, cryptography, natural language processing, theory of programming languages)