Background to the Conflict:

North Korea was Communist and South Korea was Democratic. The two countries have had tensions over this fact for quite some time. People have repeatedly tried to unite the two small countries into one larger one, but all those attempts failed. It became very heated between the two sides and eventually ended in blowing bridges up and soldiers invading. This caused an all out war. America was set to defend it's Democratic buddies, South Korea, and Russia was set to defend it's buddies Communist North Korea (the silly system of Alliances never goes away....even though it often causes wars)

Reasons to go to war in Korea:

1. Need to stop Communism. Our government and military felt that the domino theory would explain why fighting in Korea was worth it. If Korea fell to communism might other countries nearby fall to Communism as well?

2.Why all this drama over Communism? America had a few issues with Communism, mainly that it's the exact opposite of Democracy. People in the US felt scared when they heard that Communism might be spreading... what if it headed for America??? AHHHHHH!

3. United States wanted to show the world that it was the supreme power in the world. Also we took any chance we could get to show off to Russia that we were better, stronger and more powerful (especially our military).

Reasons not to go into the Korean Conflict

1. America just finished fighting WWII not seven years before hand.

2. We didn't really have a lot invested in South Korea, and we were only going to "stop" Communism.

3. Why are we fighting a war for someone else? Ask yourself if America should fight wars for other people, even if it's in our best interest?

***Which do you think is the stronger argument, or which one would you have supported?



FIND KOREA- Use this GOOGLE EARTH map and find the country of Korea


Study the map of Korea above. South Korea (Purple) and North Korea (Red) go back and forth fighting for land in the Korean Peninsula. We help the South Koreans in this battle.

Looking at the map, what changes from 1950 to 1953? What happens when the United States' flag appears? What happens when the Red Russian flag appears?



Look at these few images from the Korean war conflict.