Cindy Howard

I am a Professor and the Chair ofthe Department of Engineering, Computing and Mathematical Sciences at Lewis University.

Learn more about our programs


I regularly teach these courses.

  • Database Systems
  • Mobile Application Development
  • Software System Capstone
  • Pervasive Application Development
  • Natural Language Processing

Office Hours/Assistance

If you need help in a course or assistance with another academic matter, please see me during office hours. This semester I have office hours on Tuesday and Thursday 10:00-12:00. My office is in AS-131-L, located in the Science Building.

If those times are not convenient or you are not able to come to campus, you can schedule a meeting using this link or email me. I will generally respond promptly to your email, during normal business hours. Before writing your email, check out these guidelines for emailing your professor.

Contact Information


Twitter: @cjhoward106

Phone: 815-836-5134

Mailing Address
One University Parkway
Unit 298
Romeoville, IL 60446